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Building Agents from a YAML File

The create_agents_from_yaml function enables the dynamic creation and execution of agents based on configurations defined in a YAML file. This function is designed to support enterprise use-cases, offering flexibility, reliability, and scalability for various agent-based workflows.

By allowing the user to define multiple agents and tasks in a YAML configuration file, this function streamlines the process of initializing and executing tasks through agents while supporting advanced features such as multi-agent orchestration, logging, error handling, and flexible return values.

Key Features

  • Multi-Agent Creation: Automatically create multiple agents based on a single YAML configuration file.
  • Task Execution: Each agent can execute a predefined task if specified in the YAML configuration.
  • Logging with Loguru: Integrated logging using loguru for robust, real-time tracking and error reporting.
  • Dynamic Return Types: Offers flexible return values (agents, tasks, or both) based on user needs.
  • Error Handling: Gracefully handles missing configurations, invalid inputs, and runtime errors.
  • Extensibility: Supports additional positional (*args) and keyword arguments (**kwargs) to customize agent behavior.

Function Signature

def create_agents_from_yaml(yaml_file: str, return_type: str = "agents", *args, **kwargs)


  • yaml_file: str
  • Description: The path to the YAML file containing agent configurations.
  • Required: Yes
  • Example: 'agents_config.yaml'

  • return_type: str

  • Description: Determines the type of data the function should return.
  • Options:
    • "agents": Returns a list of the created agents.
    • "tasks": Returns a list of task results (outputs or errors).
    • "both": Returns both the list of agents and the task results as a tuple.
  • Default: "agents"
  • Required: No

  • *args and **kwargs:

  • Description: Additional arguments to customize agent behavior. These can be passed through to the underlying Agent or OpenAIChat class constructors.
  • Required: No
  • Example: Can be used to modify model configurations or agent behavior dynamically.


  • Based on return_type:
  • return_type="agents": Returns a list of initialized Agent objects.
  • return_type="tasks": Returns a list of task results (success or error).
  • return_type="both": Returns a tuple containing both the list of agents and task results.

YAML Configuration Structure

The function relies on a YAML file for defining agents and tasks. Below is an example YAML configuration:

Example YAML (agents_config.yaml):

  - agent_name: "Financial-Analysis-Agent"
      model_name: "gpt-4o-mini"
      temperature: 0.1
      max_tokens: 2000
    system_prompt: "Your full system prompt here"
    max_loops: 1
    autosave: true
    dashboard: false
    verbose: true
    dynamic_temperature_enabled: true
    saved_state_path: "finance_agent.json"
    user_name: "swarms_corp"
    retry_attempts: 1
    context_length: 200000
    return_step_meta: false
    output_type: "str"
    task: "How can I establish a ROTH IRA to buy stocks and get a tax break?"

  - agent_name: "Stock-Analysis-Agent"
      model_name: "gpt-4o-mini"
      temperature: 0.2
      max_tokens: 1500
    system_prompt: "Your full system prompt here"
    max_loops: 2
    autosave: true
    dashboard: false
    verbose: true
    dynamic_temperature_enabled: false
    saved_state_path: "stock_agent.json"
    user_name: "stock_user"
    retry_attempts: 3
    context_length: 150000
    return_step_meta: true
    output_type: "json"
    task: "What is the best strategy for long-term stock investment?"

Enterprise Use Cases

1. Automating Financial Analysis

  • An enterprise can use this function to create agents that analyze financial data in real-time. For example, an agent can be configured to provide financial advice based on the latest market trends, using predefined tasks in YAML to query the agent.

2. Scalable Stock Analysis

  • Multiple stock analysis agents can be created, each tasked with analyzing specific stocks or investment strategies. This setup can help enterprises handle large-scale financial modeling and stock analysis without manual intervention.

3. Task Scheduling and Execution

  • In enterprise operations, agents can be pre-configured with tasks such as risk assessment, regulatory compliance checks, or financial forecasting. The function automatically runs these tasks and returns actionable results or alerts.

Example: Creating Agents and Running Tasks

Example 1: Creating and Returning Agents

from swarms import create_agents_from_yaml

yaml_file = 'agents_config.yaml'
agents = create_agents_from_yaml(yaml_file, return_type="agents")

for agent in agents:
    print(f"Agent {agent.agent_name} created.")

Example 2: Creating Agents and Returning Task Results

from swarms import create_agents_from_yaml

yaml_file = 'agents_config.yaml'
task_results = create_agents_from_yaml(yaml_file, return_type="tasks")

for result in task_results:
    print(f"Agent {result['agent_name']} executed task '{result['task']}': {result['output']}")

Example 3: Returning Both Agents and Task Results

from swarms import create_agents_from_yaml

yaml_file = 'agents_config.yaml'
agents, task_results = create_agents_from_yaml(yaml_file, return_type="both")

# Handling agents
for agent in agents:
    print(f"Agent {agent.agent_name} created.")

# Handling task results
for result in task_results:
    print(f"Agent {result['agent_name']} executed task '{result['task']}': {result['output']}")

Error Handling

Common Errors:

  1. Missing API Key:
  2. Error: API key is missing for agent: <agent_name>
  3. Cause: The API key is either not provided in the YAML or not available as an environment variable.
  4. Solution: Ensure the API key is either defined in the YAML configuration or set as an environment variable.

  5. Missing System Prompt:

  6. Error: System prompt is missing for agent: <agent_name>
  7. Cause: The system_prompt field is not defined in the YAML configuration.
  8. Solution: Define the system prompt field for each agent.

  9. Invalid return_type:

  10. Error: Invalid return_type: <return_type>
  11. Cause: The return_type provided is not one of "agents", "tasks", or "both".
  12. Solution: Ensure that return_type is set to one of the valid options.


  • The function integrates loguru logging to track all key actions:
  • File loading, agent creation, task execution, and errors are all logged.
  • Use this logging output to monitor operations and diagnose issues in production environments.

Scalability and Extensibility


The create_agents_from_yaml function is designed for use in high-scale enterprise environments: - Multi-Agent Creation: Create and manage large numbers of agents simultaneously. - Parallel Task Execution: Tasks can be executed in parallel for real-time analysis and decision-making across multiple business units.


  • Customizable Behavior: Through *args and **kwargs, users can extend the functionality of the agents or models without altering the core YAML configuration.
  • Seamless Integration: The function can be easily integrated with larger multi-agent systems and workflows, enabling rapid scaling across departments.

Security Considerations

For enterprise deployments, consider the following security best practices: 1. API Key Management: Ensure that API keys are stored securely (e.g., using environment variables or secret management tools). 2. Data Handling: Be mindful of sensitive information within tasks or agent responses. Implement data sanitization where necessary. 3. Task Validation: Validate tasks in the YAML file to ensure they meet your organization's security and operational policies before execution.


The create_agents_from_yaml function is a powerful tool for enterprises to dynamically create, manage, and execute tasks using AI-powered agents. With its flexible configuration, logging, and error handling, this function is ideal for scaling agent-based systems and automating complex workflows across industries.

Integrating this function into your enterprise workflow will enhance efficiency, provide real-time insights, and reduce operational overhead.